The Cattery
Our traditional aviary-style cattery has 10 spacious cabanas (suitable for 1-3 cats if they place nice). Cats not from the same family do not share with other cats (ever!) – and we cater for a maximum of 20 cats in our cattery.
The cattery is completely separate from the dog area and barely within earshot, screened on one side by seasonal trees that attract loads of birdlife, and set well back from our driveway to minimise dust and mitigate any fear relating to the dogs.
Our resident cattery family of chickens, rescued bunnies and tortoises adds to the vibe, and the cats spend a lot of time watching the goings on (we call it Kitty TV). It is so incredibly quiet and peaceful.
Our cattery units are 150% secure, with multiple levels and platforms. The cabanas are completely insulated and lots of fun. We provide all sorts of toys and enrichment and we shamelessly pander to the needs of each individual cat.
Bearing in mind that the cattery is the bunny and tortoise pantry/kitchen, it doesn’t always look as manicured as we’d like – but the guests are happy as can be.
The Farm Girls policy on communal/shared activity areas:
All cats used to doing their business outdoors will immediately do their business in an activity area, and the rapid rotation required to have all boarded cats enjoying the communal area means that the pathogens can never be contained.
The dread diseases in cats (Feline Leukemia – FeLV, Feline Infectious Peritonitis – FIP and Feline Aids – FiV) are transmitted via body secretions such as saliva, nasal expressions and faeces and some diseases can live in the environment for several weeks.
Furthermore, the masking of the odour of cats eliminating in the area requires extensive use of fragrances, some of which can be toxic and even fatal for cats.
As such we do not provide any communal areas (“activity gardens”) for cats and all cabanas are meticulously cleaned with veterinary disinfectant between visitors.
Our overnight boarding rates include:
- Feeding twice per day (please see note about food below)
- Affection, playtime and love
- A daily brush if the cat will allow/enjoy it
- Daily health checks
- Daily feedback
- Fresh cat litter for every cat
- Healthy treats
- Daily probiotics
- Broadline or similar on arrival for internal and external parasite control
- The first 10km of their transport is free each way
RATES (These rates are valid until 29 February 2024)
All rates are per day or part thereof
Single cat: R193.00 per cat
Pair of cats: R235.00 per pair (sharing comfortably)
Trio of cats: R321.00 per trio (sharing comfortably – average sized cats only)
Please let us know if you have more than three cats, or if you would like to book a long stay (31 days minimum) and we will provide you with a customised quote. If your cats are coming in with your dogs, a family discount will apply; naturally they are not accommodated together in the same space!
Please note that the photos below show plants in the cabanas – for hygiene reasons we removed the plants, as most kits used the area as a loo and it’s simply not possible to clean soil.
Terms & Conditions
- All cats over the age of 4 months/maximum 20 weeks must be sterilised
- All cats must be up to date with their vaccinations as per the manufacturers recommendations
- All cats must have had a tick and flea preventative as well as dewormer no more than 7 days prior to arrival at Farm Girls – we will apply a spot-on (internal and external parasites) on arrival
- Please declare if you are aware that your cat is positive for FIV
- Unfortunately we are unable to host cats positive for FeLV or FIP.
- We are happy to accept cats that require oral/injectable medication – please give us a bit more info about your cat when you do your enquiry
- We recommend that owners provide a Tupperware of their kitteh’s chosen food, though we are able to provide either Montego Classic Cat (economy brand) or Royal Canin (premium brand), at an additional charge
- We offer boarding 24/7/365, however, we are closed on Saturdays from 11h59, Sundays and Public Holidays
You may transport your cat/s yourself, or, we offer safe and reliable one-way and return transport, too, and if your crate/carrier isn’t airline approved (and therefore isn’t 100% safe), you can rent one from us. The first 10km of their transport each way is free.